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"Designing Seamless User Experience for car rental app ‘CARZONRENT’ for both

Android & iOS Device."


Major challenge of the project was to create seamless and intuitive user experience since it was required to ensure user have access to all the touch points of the concept. The concept provides faster service, economical and rejoicing user experience. To achieve this, user survey and user validation played a pivotal role in achieving the goals of the concept.


Roles and Responsibilities- Created product User Flows, Personas, User Journey, Storyboards, Wireframes, Interactive Prototypes and High Fidelity Design to validate the concept with the stakeholders and

design validation from the end users.   




"In this day and age, people are busy from dawn till dusk. They always have something to do or something to worry about and traveling 

becomes a key facet of everyone’s life. The moment we wake up in the morning, we are worried about reaching the office on time, getting the children to school safely, going to a movie theatre, or traveling to distant places for pleasure.

Fortunately, the latest technological advancements have made it possible for people to avail safe, secure, convenient,

cost-effective, and reliable cab services. The overwhelming popularity of smartphones has made it possible to book a cab in a matter of few seconds; the growing number of such users is increasing as we speak. To recapitulate, users find it convenient to book cabs for their traveling needs and this behaviour is not going to change."


What users really want from a cab service provider is as follows- Transparency and informed booking, Convenience, Affordable pricing, Multiple options to choose from, Safety, Seamless experience when booking a cab & Secure payment system.


My UXD Process.png



Design phase starts with the identification of user needs through contextual inquiries, followed by ideation towards possible solutions using affinity diagraming and user story mapping. Empathizing the 

users to unearth the hidden needs. Interviews and surveys was 

conducted and the collected data or information was analyzed to

understand the users motivation and core needs and other aspect of

the business.

Research, Brainstorming, Insights & System Mapping
Potential Car Rental trip types
Why Car Rental?
- Costly Car loans (High Interests) 

- Road Traffic

- Safety Concern

- Environment Friendly

- City Drives, Weekend Getaways & Vacations

- Mobile Lifestyle in city

- Professional who have a travel-heavy job

- Who wants to go on short trips to 
  neighbouring places

- Who wants to use for business   (Corporate/Personal) purpose

- Hassle free Travel

- Fuel Saving 


- Newer in a city/metropolitan/cosmopolitan

- Cashless Travel

- Comfort Journey (Why travel in dingy


- Availability

- No Maintenance

- No Headache to park own car

- Full freedom of use

- Reduces travel cost

Market Segmentation

Want to see Research in detail?




Started with understanding the trends, synthesizing qualitative research data and organizing them into groups or themes through in-depth brainstorming and ideating them to get the best possible solution.

For getting in-depth research findings, statements made by the interviewees and stakeholders were analyzed and grouped into specific categories such as motivation, frustration, experience, comfort, payment, location, time, or availability etc.


SWOT analysis helps to define the unique features of the concepts compared to competitors.


Main objectives of Carzonrent’s competitor analysis are summarized below-

To understand the market trend and pattern.

- To understand competitor's current strategy and to convert their      

  weaknesses to our strength.

- In anticipating competitor's upcoming threats and opportunities.

Outcomes & Benefits-

Convenient- The design will exude a sense of bringing ease from first

use and provide a utility unique to one’s transportation experience.

Simple- From the very first step, the product needs to be intuitive and easy to navigate every step of the way.

Prepared- The app needs to positively anticipate the immediate needs of the travel mindset by seamlessly connecting the user with available 

and nearby car locations.

Transparent- The information will clearly provide all relevant information early to install confidence.

Trustworthy- A lot of trust is placed into this business proposition; the design needs to incite 100% trustworthiness towards its users. 

Primary Personas
Priyanka Bhargav.png


By adopting different personas based on the information gathered during the research & affinity mapping phase, the concept was built in such a way that it could serve the needs of many; making it scalable. 

By defining personas, the user journey map and contents were shaped up to meet the objectives.

Soumendra Das.png
User Journey (Priyanka Bhargav)
Priyanka's auto rickshaw ride to client location
Priyanka's auto rickshaw ride to client
Secondary Personas
Mrittika_Computer Engineer.png
Ranjan Sen_VP.png


Created multiple user scenarios to capture how users can perform a variety of tasks intuitively. It also gave a holistic understanding about the user flow and user interactions when they perform certain actions. 


Also investigated and analyzed existing products in the market for identifying the loopholes. Based on the insights, designed & created

a seamless and intuitive user experience.



Based on the analysis of Personas and Scenarios, can be concluded that users want seamless experience while using a cab service.

It is expected that the users would use the cab service for the following purposes -

To commute to different client places from office by using the cab service, especially in cases where the local transport service is not convenient. 
To frequently travel for personal trips such as meeting friends, attending weddings or going on family trips.
User Expectations
Cashless Travel, Comfort Journey, Safety Concern, Availability, Highly Responsive, Optimum commute experience, Cost-effective service.

Task Flows

Task Flows defined based on scenarios & user needs, to optimize the users ability to accomplish a task.

Task Flow_15Oct2019.png

Defined Task Flow helped to understand the user interactions with the product in multiple phases with seamless experience.

User Flow_24Aug2019.png


The phases helped to come up with the navigation design and the information hierarchy. This allows the users to find all the required information without any difficulty thus imparting them to make quick decision. 

Card sorting method resulted the information as per the user needs. The category formation was done based on this method which led the end users to find the information conveniently. 

Card Sorting 
The Goal-
Find out how hypothetical users naturally categorise navigation items by using the Card Sorting technique to determine the Information Architecture
for Carzonrent. 
CardSorting items_23Aug2019.png
Card Sorting Results on Paper.jpg
Finalized Information Architecture, Hierarchy & Organisation
COR_Information Architecture.png
Site Flows

Created detailed Site Flow for the user to perform tasks such as booking cabs, tracking ongoing rides, or managing payments. 

To realize a seamless user experience, applied the information architecture to properly organize navigation structure and content in hierarchical and meaningful manner.

Detailed Site Flow_24Aug2019.png


Medium Fidelity Design created and validated with users which helped me to understand the user needs. Based on the user feedback, it was redesigned and again validated with them, this is how the concept was refined.



The best way to express and validate quickly is to have the rough sketched on the concepts, before working on the tools, it was first conceptualize on papers. After multiples iterations and validation, 

the concept was refined. 

Medium Fidelity Wireframes


In the user testing phase, tested the prototype under a number of scenarios to determine if users can seamlessly use the prototype to carry out multiple tasks.


Based on user's feedback, changed the flow to improve the usability of the prototype.

Medium Fidelity Interactive Prototype
Interactive prototype link -
Prototyping Documentation
Usability Testing

In the Usability Testing phase, tested the prototype under a number of scenarios to determine if users can seamlessly use the prototype to carry out multiple tasks. 

Based on their feedback, changed the flow to improve the usability of the prototype.

Tasks -

Task 01

​You need to meet a number of important clients today, but you are already late. Your personal cab driver, Manjunatha, is on leave today. You have ‘Carzonrent’ app on your smart phone, which you use to book a cab for your client visit.

Task 02

​Your cab suddenly breaks down. You are worried that you won’t make it in time to visit your clients. In this situation, what are you going to do?

Task 03

How will you check your upcoming and completed trips on the ‘Carzonrent’ app?



After finalizing and validating low-fidelity design with end-users and stakeholders, created high-fidelity design by following the corporate branding guidelines of 'Carzonrent'. The aim was to create intuitive, user-centric & seamless experience for end-users.


Design is iterative, which is attributed to new business requirements and updates. Consequently, some changes

might occur in the latest live application of Carzonrent app. 

Carzonrent (COR) mobile app is available on 

Google Play Store & iOS App Store. 

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