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User Flow


Real-time Production Organizer (RPO) is a web application to provide solutions to help achieving Operational Management Practice

in a plant.

Purpose of the Project

To enhance Operational Management business in a plant through meaningful and seamless user experiences. Understanding the end user needs through Primary and Secondary Research and studying the existing product for redesigning the user journey

to meet the end user needs in a much more simpler and meaningful interactions. 

Design Process

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Background Research & Analysis

The customer/stakeholders shared the high-level requirements and business goals. Observed and studied the existing RPO. 


In the first step, conducted following research activities

1. Stakeholder Design Workshop. 

2. Expert Review.

Stakeholder Workshop

Purpose of the Workshop

Understand RPOs vision, challenges and opportunities. Identified type of users and their roles, their journey, problems and needs. Gathered information on industry challenges and opportunities and competitors. The findings through research and analysis was shared with the stakeholders for validation and feedbacks.  


Want to see Stakeholder Workshop Insights?

Identified loopholes of the existing RPO

- Poor User Experience & Visualization.

- Disconnected interaction.

- Complicated workflow and user journey.

- Cluttered information.

- Meaningful information hierarchy is missing.

- Not a cloud based solution.

- 2 main type of users - Field Operators & 

  Supervisors/Shift Managers.

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Persona & User Journey Mapping

Identified the type of users and their roles, problems and needs.
Here focused on user goals, current behavior, attitudes, pain points, motivations and needs. 

Following factors were considered for framing the questions

1. The role and responsibilities.

2. About the workflow and tasks they conduct using RPO.

3. Specific questions regarding each RPO module they use         (demo).

Personas (Shift Manager/Supervisor & Field Operator)

Rajeev Rajguru_Manager.png

Want to see Questionnaires for User Interview?

Hairul A_Field Operator.png

Want to see User Interview Insights?

Supervisor/Shift Managers Journey 


Field Operators Journey 

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Interview Highlights & Analysis

Consolidated all user feedback to identify common problems and opportunities.

Problems & Opportunity Mapping


Analysis of Interview Highlights

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Expert Review of existing RPO

Understand the product and user flow to identify gaps & opportunities. Spot problems and recommend changes to improve usability.

As the product is being used by different industries with

specific needs & custom workflows, recommendations are

geared towards addressing key usability issues in order

to inform the User Experience Design language and patterns.

Usability Principles

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Usability Findings of existing Product

Key Findings Summary


Want to see more details for Usability Findings?

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Competitor Analysis

Studied and identified the competitors user flow and other UX and UI element. An industry analysis provides information on possible competition sources (comprising all the presumed strategic actions and reactions and effects on the profitability of all competing 

organisations in the industry). 

Main objectives of RPOs competitor analysis can be 

summarised as follows

1. The market trend and pattern.

2. Understanding a competitor's current strategy and its strengths       and weaknesses.

J5 International


- Industry Neutral.

- Integrated with other third party systems.

Collaboration and Mobility support.

Schneider Electric Wonderware


- Customization of Operations    

  Management solutions depending on  

  business/customer needs.

- Collaboration on and off the cloud.

Honeywell DynAMo Operations Management (Logbook and Monitoring)


- User Experience & Usability.

Standard Functionalities for Work  

  Instruction, Logbook and Shift Handover.

Collaboration and Mobility support.

Industries & types of users



- Field Operator.

- Board Operator.

- Shift Manager.

- Lab Team.


Power Plants

- Field Operator.

- Board Operator.

- Shift Manager.


Oil & Gas

- Lab Team.

- Field Operator.

- Board Operator.

- Shift Supervisor.


- Manager.

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Information Architecture

The aims of Information architecture was to organize content so that users would easily adjust to the functionality of the product and could find everything they need without putting much effort. 


Created detailed User Flow for the user to perform tasks. To realize a seamless user experience, applied the Information Architecture to properly organize navigation structure and content in hierarchical and meaningful manner.

Low fidelity wireframes & testing with u

Low Fidelity Wireframes & Testing

Low fidelity wireframes created to finalize concept by using digital tools. It imparted an understanding about the final design for the RPO product. Paper prototypes were used for quick testing with user. The main intention was to cover all possible scenarios from research and analysis phase. The concept is shared with the real user to validate the designed workflow.

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Sketching & Conceptualization

At this stage, the idea is drafted in papers to understand how the concept will flow. The journey is revised multiples times to make it as flawless as possible. It also involved brainstorming with the peers to collect more productive input towards making a great product.

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Usability Testing
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